Interview with Ferdinand

About Ferdinand
Ferdinand is Simon’s next-door neighbour and best friend. They love playing together, often in their back gardens. They’re always happy to see each other and never get bored when they’re together, although they are both pretty competitive.
What’s your favourite colour?
Purple’s the best colour in the world! But it’s also hard to decide ‘cause I also love green, just like the green on my Super Ferdi costume! When I put on my mask and cape, no one can defeat me!

What’s your favourite game?
I love playing marbles! I’ve got lots of awesome pretty ones of all different colours. Some of them are shiny and others are giant. I’ve got a really amazing marble collection!

My name’s Ferdinand
I’m Ferdinand and I live very close to my best friend Simon! We always play together and we often sleep over at each other’s houses, too. That’s really fun ‘cause we play dinosaurs, knights and superheroes and tell each other stories before we go to sleep.

What’s your favourite dessert?
I’m crazy about popcorn! Sometimes we make it at home. I love watching the corn kernels pop, then when it’s done, we add caramel… Yummm! But my favourite time for eating popcorn is when I go to see a super animation film at the cinema!

What’s your favourite day
of the year?
Halloween! It’s so cool! I love dressing up as a monster or a ghost, or a sorcerer. Or even better: as Super Ferdi! My friends and I have so much fun, then at the end, we get to eat the sweets!!

Tell us about your friend!

I’m Ferdinand and I live very close to my best friend Simon! We always play together and we often sleep over at each other’s houses, too. That’s really fun ‘cause we play dinosaurs, knights and superheroes and tell each other stories before we go to sleep.

The Family and Friends

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Which character are you?

Simon, Gaspard, Lou and Ferdinand are super good friends, each one with their own definite character. Which one is most like you? Find out which of your favorite show’s characters you have the most in common with!

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Simon is the super energetic, super charismatic and mega-mischievous little rabbit we know and love! SIMON is also SUPER RABBIT! Click here to find all the stuffed animals and toys themed around this cute little rabbit!
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© GO-N Productions 2023 based on Stephanie Blake’s books published by l’école des loisirs.